1 oz Jagermeister
3/4 oz Goldshlager
Shake and strain ingredients. Side Note: Shake goldschlager bottle to ensure gold flakes are included in mixture. Stay tuned on Friday for a story called "Yummy Man." If you're interested in becoming a bartender or want to learn more about bartending visit ubguide.bartenderseries.com/
Accounts From the Other Side of the Bar Here I talk about all the things I see, hear, and experience as a Bartender. This is involves alcohol, beer, wine, mixing beverages,and observing the consumption behaviors of people drinking.

Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
What Happened?: National Title
So after her team won the National Title she decided to go out and party with her friends. She left her car at the stadium parking lot and walked to the local pub (responsible drinker). After many beers (even one she didn't finish) she decided to go back to her car and sleep "in" it instead of driving (responsible drinker). The only problem was she couldn't get her keys to work. So she decided to sleep "on" her car. Well she probably could have slept "in" her car if she tried the keys on the right car (hers is the green one next to it). Meanwhile the guy in the black shirt is wondering why some random chick is sleeping on his car.
This story is merely my interpretation of "What Happened?" Stay tuned on Monday for the "Recipe of the Week: Starry Night." If you're interested in becoming a bartender or want to learn more about bartending visit ubguide.bartenderseries.com/
This photo was posted/captured from http://www.wpix.com/
This story is merely my interpretation of "What Happened?" Stay tuned on Monday for the "Recipe of the Week: Starry Night." If you're interested in becoming a bartender or want to learn more about bartending visit ubguide.bartenderseries.com/
This photo was posted/captured from http://www.wpix.com/
Friday, January 28, 2011
Company Ink (Part 3)
In the first two installments to this story I share the reasons and provide examples of why I shy away from dating people that I work with. If you haven’t read those stories before please do so. This is the third (probably not final) reason why I stay away from dating people from work.

So here is one of the kickers, Mark and Becky used to date when Becky first started working there. Of course when Mark and Susan started dating Becky still had some lingering feelings and did little things to let Mark know that she was still “interested.” But anyway, Larry planned a vacation for himself and Becky. He talked about it, was excited, and ready to get away for awhile. After Mark and Susan broke up, Becky started acting a little funny towards Larry (I’ll tell you later why). She was back to the whole “I don’t want to continue whatever this is…thing.” Meanwhile the vacation was quickly approaching. So the week before the vacation, Becky decides to back out on Larry and not go. The worst part is the vacation was fully paid for (well one of the worst parts).
Ok so here is the biggest kicker. The reason why Becky backed out on the trip and was acting funny was because her and Mark were back talking! Unbelievable, weeks after his break up with Susan he’s back talking to his ex. Talk about sloppy seconds…As a result of all this, one employee quit her job and now there is an uneasy tension between Larry and Mark (personally I blame Becky). If anyone has comments about this fiasco I would love to hear them or even if you have a “Company Ink” story of your own I would love to hear about it.
I am a person who tries to live a drama free life, having to deal with drama like this at home and work is just too stressful. Dealing with it at home is bad enough. Sometimes you have to pick your battles and battles should not be fought at your place of employment. Also starting tomorrow, I have found pictures of drunken people and will post the picture and write a story of what I “think” happened (it’s going to be hilarious) so stay tuned and be on the lookout for those. I will call these stories "What Happened?"
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child. If you're interested in becoming a bartender or want to learn more about bartending visit ubguide.bartenderseries.com/
Monday, January 24, 2011
Recipe of the Week: Cheerwine
3/4 oz Southern Comfort
3/4 oz Amaretto Liqueur
1/2 oz Grenadine
Shake ingredients and strain, top with a splash of Coke.
Stay tuned on Friday for "Company Ink (Part 3)" things are going to get interesting.
3/4 oz Amaretto Liqueur
1/2 oz Grenadine
Shake ingredients and strain, top with a splash of Coke.
Stay tuned on Friday for "Company Ink (Part 3)" things are going to get interesting.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Company Ink (Part 2)
In the first installment to this story I share a reason why I shy away from dating people that I work with. If you haven’t read that story before please do so. This is a second reason why I stay away from dating people from work, the more I see the more it confirms.

A few months passed (maybe 6) and lo and behold they broke up. As with their initial relationship they tried to keep it on the hush (which is respectable) I wouldn’t want everyone in my business either. But when you bring it to work, it’s kind of hard to keep things a secret. So the question that I asked Susan earlier had to be addressed. As it turned out, they tried to live together afterwards and I guess that didn’t work out to well. Because Mark moved out and Susan decided to sub-lease the apartment. As a result, Susan quit her job and moved back to her hometown.
If you are dating someone at least wait a year or two before you decide to move in with them. Because things change and you see a different side of a person once you’re living with them. Stay tuned on Monday for the "Recipe of the Week: Cheerwine."
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child. If you're interested in becoming a bartender or want to learn more about bartending visit ubguide.bartenderseries.com/
Friday, January 21, 2011
Don't Do It
This story is an explanation of why you should not over drink. I have witnessed some strange, interesting, and some downright stupid behaviors of people after they’re intoxicated. This story is about a couple of those behaviors.
On one particular night after I got off, I was heading to my car and noticed a woman stumbling towards a closed business. I thought it was rather strange so I paused for a moment to see what she was up to (bad idea). There was a potted tree near the entrance of the door, this woman was wearing a skirt and decided to pull her underwear down and urinate next to the tree. I don’t think she got started because she fell down while attempting to crouch. A security officer noticed the same actions and stated that she couldn’t do that there. The sad part is I think she either fell asleep or blacked out during the process.
On another occasion similar to the first I was in the parking deck heading to my car again. I noticed a woman sitting at the base of a support column. She was apparently crying because her makeup was running down her face. What made this scene even stranger was below her. If you have ever poured water down a slope or witnessed something similar you understand what that looks like. Well picture the same thing but underneath this woman. I was looking trying to understand why there was a puddle of water running down the parking deck and the reason was because it came from the woman. She was so intoxicated that she urinated on herself and just sat in it and watched it run down the deck. I asked if she was ok and she nodded in agreement, I made it to my car and informed one of the attendants of her location.
It is one thing do drink, be social, and have a good time with friends. It’s another thing to drink until you can’t control your bodily functions. Behaviors like this just are not safe and can possibly get you in trouble. Stay tuned tomorrow for a story called "Company Ink (Part 2)."
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child. If you're interested in becoming a bartender or want to learn more about bartending visit ubguide.bartenderseries.com/
Monday, January 17, 2011
Recipe of the Week: Washington Apple
3/4 oz Crown Royal
3/4 oz Sour Apple Pucker
1/2 oz Cranberry Juice
Splash of grenadine (optional)
Shake ingredients over ice and strain. Can be served as a shot or drink.
3/4 oz Sour Apple Pucker
1/2 oz Cranberry Juice
Splash of grenadine (optional)
Shake ingredients over ice and strain. Can be served as a shot or drink.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Land of Opportunity
One thing I enjoy about my job is meeting new people. Over the years I have meet thousands of people from different backgrounds, races, income levels, personalities, etc. This story involves a Spanish girl from Mexico who came to America to better her and her families’ lives.
We’ll call this Spanish girl Maria, she was born in Mexico and lived in California until her family moved to Miami. (Side Note) One TV show that I sometimes watch is Border Wars, it’s a show about border patrol and the things the encounter on a daily basis. This includes gun smuggling, people trafficking, drug smuggling, and preventing immigrants from entering the country illegally. Listening to Maria’s story just made me wonder why the people on TV don’t take the same “legal” route she did.
Maria applied for her residency and it was granted, she has lived in the U.S for ten years now and able to apply for her citizenship. She has an EMT (emergency medical technician) certification and was looking for a position in a fire department. There wasn’t availability in Miami so she applied in the city I reside and got a call back. She was in town to take the fire departments test and hopefully get the job. I admired her determination and drive to do things the right way and better her career. When she got here, she figured out our bus system to get exactly where she needed to be. Hopefully she will pass the test with flying colors so she may advance her career.
The U.S is the land of opportunity, people have to utilize the systems in place and make the best of them as Maria did. If you want something bad enough, sometimes you have to go after it and don’t stop until you reach your goal. Stay tuned on Monday for the “Recipe of the Week: Washington Apple”
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child.
Friday, January 14, 2011
My Bad
The one thing that my establishment has a low tolerance for is people getting sick and vomiting. If a person gets sick, after they relieve themselves they are asked to leave. This story involves one such occasion and how I was responsible for it.
I have received a lot of weird request before, but the latest one I have to admit was a good one. A woman approached the bar and asked for a shot of something to get rid of smokers’ breath. She didn’t ask for gum, mint, or anything else that could cure the problem. Instead she asked for a flavored shot to do the trick. Immediately I thought of peppermint, and one of the strongest peppermint flavored alcohols is Rumpleminze. So I served two shots for her and a friend (who was male) this point will be important later.
It was funny because they made the “it burned going down” face and stated that I was wrong for my selection. I guess I could have chosen Goldschlager for the cinnamon flavor, but I figured they needed something that was a little more potent.
So here is why the fact that the friend was male is relevant. A few moments after the two consumed their shots I went to the restroom. When I got in there I heard someone vomiting and I was like that doesn’t sound good. Unfortunately a member of the security staff came in as well during his relief. So this meant even though he made it to the restroom he had to vacate the premises. I was washing my hands when he finally made it out and guess who it was? Yes, the Rumpleminze shot guy. He just took the shot and a few minutes later he was vomiting. They security guy said, “I’m sorry but you have to leave.” Shot guy said, “I’m fine I’m not drunk the shot just made me sick.” Meanwhile I’m standing right there while all of this is taking place, and I felt so bad because I was the one who served it to him. All I could do was apologize.
I went back to work not expecting to see him again and a few minutes later he was back at the bar with his lady friend. I guess the security guy had a change of heart and decided to let him stay. However, his lady friend was mad because she just spent almost $20.00 on the shots and he just vomited. The funny part is she was giving him a hard time about how he was punk and couldn’t hold his liquor and she was a female still sober and fine. Being a jokester I couldn’t help but put my two cents worth in about his tolerance. It turned out to be a good night for them and I’m sure he won’t drink Rumpleminze again.
It’s a good chance that some of the shots I made were responsible for people getting sick and having to leave, but it hits home when I know definitely that someone I just served got sick. That’s one thing that I’m not proud of as a Bartender. Even though I joked around with them after the fact, I would’ve felt bad if he had to leave. Stay tuned tomorrow for a story called “Land of Opportunity.”
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Recipe of the Week: Long Beach Tea
1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Rum
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Sour Mix
Cranberry Juice
Combine liquors and sour mix, shake and strain over ice, top with cranberry juice.
1/2 oz Rum
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Sour Mix
Cranberry Juice
Combine liquors and sour mix, shake and strain over ice, top with cranberry juice.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Bar Champs (Part 3)
This is the final installment of the 3 part series “Bar Champs” the aftermath of the competitions. One thing that I have never experienced is animosity from management. I have dealt with fellow coworkers trying to get me in trouble/fired but never from management. This story involves a new manager and the results of our confrontational relationship.
After I got back from regionals everything went downhill from there, you would think it would have been the opposite but this proved to not be the case. The first issue I had to deal with was the improper scoring, after while my GM said there was nothing that could be done but I honestly don’t think he tried to do anything about it. I was bummed because I really studied hard and gave it my all just to be short changed because of “politics.” The second issue I had to deal with was a new bar manager. She came from a New York store that was busier than ours and had more volume. This being true she tried to change our bar to run like her previous one and I tried to explain that it wouldn’t work because our store was smaller. Our initial contact wasn’t good and we just butted heads from there on out. She wanted things her way, I wanted them to stay the way they were, and it turned into a daily conflict. As a result of this she set out to do everything within “parameters” to get me fired. This proved to be interesting as time progressed.
I knew I was in trouble or on the ropes when she said out of nowhere, “You know that you have one write up and three is grounds for termination.” This meant that she was in my file looking for ways to “legally” get me fired. My stubborn nature would later be my demise because I should have handled things smarter and not afforded her opportunities. A later instance after we had words she says to me, “You’re a goldfish in a pond and I can replace your a** at anytime!” In shock I was thinking, what would make someone say something like that. There was a bar meeting planned for the next morning (but I forgot about it due to a long night) and someone called to ask where I was. I replied that I was still in bed but ask the manager if she still wanted me to come because I could be there in twenty minutes. She responded “It’s up to you…” being sleepy and still tired I said ok and went back to sleep, because it was “Up to me.” Like I mentioned before I should have done things smarter because when I came into work that evening I was called into the office and presented with a write up sheet. I told the GM that she said that it was “Up to me…” and he said, “Well you should have still went to the meeting.” Yes, I gave her the opportunity to give me a second strike and all she needed was one more.
Well as the story goes I would later unintentionally give her a reason to write me up again. On this particular night I called and told them that I would be running late, well the event I attended ran longer than I thought which made me even more late. The manager that I spoke to left for the evening and the night manager was lucky for me my bar manager. As soon as I got there she said, “Don’t clock in I don’t need you.” She really could have called and told me before I wasted gas driving there. This would be the last bar shift that I never worked (at this particular restaurant). The next day I went in and was called into the office again, yup you guessed it, my third write up and third strike. I wanted to wipe that Grinch smirk right off her face, they informed me that I wouldn’t be able to work again until I sat down with the GM. This would be a daunting task because he was in and out of Tennessee for GM conferences. Between that and his birthday I didn’t get a chance to sit down with him until almost a month later (it could’ve been longer). I went a whole month without pay and had no other source of income, by the time of our meeting I was really in a bad position financially. The outcome of our meeting was my demotion to serving tables (which I gladly took because I needed money) and one more incident and I was done for good. So in a few months time I went from being on a high from winning the Bar Competition, to having a target placed on my back, to being demoted to serving tables. What a turn of events hunh?
We all go through trials and tribulations, but it’s how you handle them, what you learn from the experience, and not making the same mistake that counts. Stay tuned on Monday for the “Recipe of the Week: Long Beach Tea.”
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Bar Champs (Part 2)
This is part 2 of a three part series called "Bar Champs." Ok so after I won the store level competition I was afforded the opportunity to go to regionals. This particular year regionals were held in Nashville, Tennessee and was about three weeks after the store level competition. At regionals the competition is tougher, you have to take more test, and more recipes are added to the food and drink test. This was the first year for our restaurant and somehow management obtained a copy of the food and drink test. They gave me a copy and instead of just focusing on that material I decided to waste brain power studying everything. That was a big mistake.
I woke up the morning the GM and I were flying out to Tennessee and drove to the airport to meet him. We boarded the plane and were on our way, the flight kind of threw me off because we arrived the same time we left (stupid time zones). I had a hotel but for some reason he didn’t take me there, instead he took me to another store because he had a meeting or something. I was dead tired and nothing to do so I took a nap in one of the booths. Later that afternoon he took me to the restaurant where the competition was held to check in and take the food and drink test. I still had not made it to my room, so I took the test with all my bags near me. He did inform me that a manager from my store had drove to Tennessee and would take me to my room after testing. So this is why studying everything was a mistake, the test that I took was the exact test that management had given me prior. Man was I mad at myself for trying to remember unnecessary information. I finally made it to my hotel room and was able to unwind for a brief moment, because we all had to meet at a bar downtown to announce who was winning after testing and socialize.
After testing I was in 5th place out of 9 or 10 people, not a bad spot I could still place but it wasn’t a great spot either. If I would’ve studied the material provided or even was able to study in better conditions I probably would have placed a lot higher. I made it back to the hotel and got a much needed nights rest. I woke up the next morning and practiced my routine, came up with some new tricks, and had a great breakfast. I ended up eating lunch with everyone that came from my store, we ate at a Mexican place that had 2 for 1 margaritas on special. After lunch I went back to the hotel and took a nap in the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in. It is now competition time and the butterflies started to flap their wings, I was comforted by the small group of supporters who were there.

We live in a corrupt world and “anything” can be bought, sold, or bargained for. I’m not saying this was the case but something just smelt fishy with this situation. Ethics are challenged everyday of our lives, don’t compromise yours to get ahead because it won’t pay off in the long run (i.e Madoff, bank loans, Enron, BP. etc) Stay tuned tomorrow for "Bar Champs (Part 3)" everything that happened after Bar Champs.
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Recipe of the Week: Life Saver
1 1/4 oz Coconut rum
3/4 oz Butterscotch Schnapps
1/2 oz Pineapple Juice
Combine ingredients, shake and strain. Can be served as a shot or drink.
Stay tuned on Friday for part two of "Bar Champs."
3/4 oz Butterscotch Schnapps
1/2 oz Pineapple Juice
Combine ingredients, shake and strain. Can be served as a shot or drink.
Stay tuned on Friday for part two of "Bar Champs."
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Bar Champs
If anyone has ever seen the movie Cocktail with Tom Cruise then you know what bartending flair is. Bartending flair is doing tricks with bottles, cups, shakers, or anything else you can throw up in the air or spin. Interesting fact, for the movie, Tom Cruise was trained by bartenders from the establishment that I worked at. This story is part one of a three part series as I discuss my journey through what is called the “Bartending Championships” or bar champs for short and everything that happened after.
Bar champs is a series of test that ends with “The Show.” The test covers the food menu, drink recipes, and even a pour test (testing the ability to pour certain ounces). The show is making a series of drinks while performing flair. At the end, all of the scores are tallied from the test and judges scores and a grand total is given. Whoever has the highest score wins. This was the first year of bar champs so I did everything I could to prepare, practice, study, and be ready to win it. Because the winner would get $150.00 and go to Nashville, Tennessee for regionals (I am a Titans fan so I definitely had to try and win it).
Going into the show I was in second place after testing so I was a little nervous. I had to make sure that I blew the judges and crowd away with my show. I went to the drawing board and thought of extra tricks I could do to wow everyone (I’ll explain exactly what I did later). So they day of the show came and I was really nervous, people started showing up and I decided to go out back and practice my routine. After successfully landing my tricks I was ready to perform. A few people went before me and I had confidence that I could win because their show wasn’t that impressive. The day before, I went to a Halloween costume rental place and rented a red pimp coat with white and black fur lining and a hat to match. I also purchased a cane studded in jewels to complete the outfit. I asked two of my female coworkers to walk in with me (they were my hoes) to take my jacket, hat, and cane when they left. I had this old 70’s song playing when I walked in and the crowd went crazy, they got louder when I took the coat off because I had on a sleeveless work shirt.
After that, the DJ played the popular song of that time and I began flipping bottles and making drinks. One particular drink I made was a bloody mary, I had a tall glass with a piece of celery connecting the shorter glass for the bloody mary. So when I poured the drink down the celery it filled the smaller glass. Another trick that I did involved a plastic martini glass that I drilled a hole in. I had it stacked on something so when I filled the martini glass it flowed into another glass. After everyone did their show they tallied the scores and was ready to announce the winner. They announced the third and second place and at that time I realized I won. This was the first bar champs, my first time flairing and I had won. Now it was time to get ready for regionals where the competition would be stiffer.
Stay tuned next Friday for part two of “Bar Champs” I will discuss what happened in regionals. Also be on the lookout Monday for the “Recipe of the Week: Life Saver.”
These stories are real accounts, so if you plan to drink and have a good time do so responsibly. Remember to call a cab or a friend because the cost of a DWI is way more than a $20 cab ride home. Also, if you plan or happen to take someone home use protection. For two reasons, one there are many STD’s floating out there and it only takes one to ruin your life or that of others. The second reason is because a $3 condom is less expensive then 18 years of raising a child.
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